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Classical Ballet Sergei Prokofiev "Cinderella" (Ballet in 3 Acts)
Mikhailovsky Classical Ballet and Opera Theatre (established 1833)

Running time: 2 hours 40 minutes

Schedule for Sergei Prokofiev "Cinderella" (Ballet in 3 Acts) 2022

Composer: Sergei Prokofiev
Artistic Director: Nicolai Boyarchikov
Choreography: Maria Bolshakova

Orchestra: Mikhailovsky Symphony Orchestra

Ballet in 3 Acts with 1 interval (20 min), 2 interval (25 min)



"Shoes only then make sense, when they - pair".

Picture 1. House of Cinderellas.
Step-mother and sisters. Cinderella. Father. Recollections. Scandal.
Kiss of fairy invitation to the ball. Fairy. Witchcraft. Sleep Of Cinderellas.

Picture 2. the "magic country".
Encounter of Cinderellas with the fairy. Spring. Summer. Grasshoppers. Autumn. Winter. Presentiment.


Picture 3. Palace of prince.
Court. Machekh and Sestry on to ball. Ball. Output of prince. Mazurka. Appearance of fei and Cinderella on to ball.

Picture 4. the "magic country".
Waltz of dream. Cinderella prince in the country of dreams. Time. Crystal shoe.


Picture 5. Celestial workshop.
Shoemakers. Journey of crystal shoes. Spanish dance. Eastern dance. Wanderings of prince.

Picture 6. House of Cinderellas.
Awakening of Cinderellas. Unexpected encounter. Importunate brides. Father.

Several words about the ballet of S.Prokofiev "Cinderella"

The ballet of S.Prokofiev "Cinderella" came into being of the ramp on 21 November, 1945, in Moscow on the scene of the Bolshoi theater in setting of R.Zakharov and almost simultaneously, on 8 April, 1946, on the scene of Kirov (now Mariinskiy) theater in Leningrad in setting of K.Sergeyev. These were completely different plays. Theatrical- magnificent, in P. Williams’s decorations, play of large, and sufficiently modest, in the formulation of B. Erdmann, solved more is dancing, with the bright choreographic means, the play of Kirov theater.

From this time Sh.Perro’s fairy tale became one of the most dear themes of choreographic skill. For a period of many years in different theaters of peace salient khoreografy were turned to the music of S.Prokofiev and the fairy tale of sh. perro, finding all new choreographic solutions.

The main theme of fairy tale Sh.Perro - the theme of validity and love found response in the hearts of many generations of artists and khoreografov and she became that loved spectators and listeners.

The ballet company of the theater im. M.P. Musorgskiy for the first time became to this ballet 1977. choreographer O. Vinogradov in the collaboration with the artists by M.Nauman (decoration) and T.Ratnsr (suits) proposed his version of the old and eternally young fairy tale of Sh.Perro.

The new turning of theater to "Cinderella" of S.Prokofiev is dictated by new time, that was changed with theatrical aesthetics, other choreographic tendencies, look into the future young choreographer of M.Bol’shakovoy, female graduate Sankt-Peterburg’s conservatory (professor N.Boyarchikov’s class).

The formulation of ballet belongs to well-known artists from Kiev - A. Zlobin (decoration) and to A.Ipat’evoy (suits).

S.Prokofiev’s epigraph is undertaken the basis of play: "shoes only then make sense, when they - pair". So people. Each person has his idea about the happiness, but if these ideas coincide, then we speak: "two boots - pair". It is necessary to only not fear and to be released into the fairytale journey in the magic country of its dream - and your half, your pair, compulsorily it will be found.

Cannot be not learned each other, because in the hands in your half there will for sure be the crystal shoe of dream, the twin of your crystal shoe. But if are connected tufel’ki, then will be connected hearts. And it is unimportant, who the owner of shoe - poor girl or notable of grandee. If two people have identical ideas about the happiness, then they will compulsorily fall in love with each other. But love, as is known, does not know obstacles.

Schedule for Sergei Prokofiev "Cinderella" (Ballet in 3 Acts) 2022

"Cinderella" Julian MacKay Premiere Mikhailovsky Theatre
About This Video
Julian MacKay, Premiere as the Prince in "Cinderella" with Sabina Yapparova at the Mikhailovsky Theatre in Saint Petersburg on Dec 3, 2017

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