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Classical Ballet Ballets on the music by Igor Stravinsky: Rubies. Apollo. Le Sacre du printemps.
World famous Mariinsky Ballet and Opera - established 1783

Schedule for Ballets on the music by Igor Stravinsky: Rubies. Apollo. Le Sacre du printemps. 2022

Composer: Igor Stravinsky
Choreography: George Balanchine
Choreography: Vaslav Nijinsky

Orchestra: Mariinsky Theatre Symphony Orchestra


Music: Igor Stravinsky
Choreography: George Balanchine (1967)
Staging: Karin von Aroldingen, Sarah Leland, Elyse Borne and Sean Lavery
Scenery: Peter Harvey (1967)
Costumes: Karinska (1967)
Recreations of costumes supervised: Holly Hines
Original lighting: Ronald Bates
Lighting: Perry Silvey

World premiere: 13 April 1967, New York City Ballet, New York State Theater
Premiere at the Mariinsky Theatre: 30 October 1999, St Petersburg


ballet in two scenes
Music: Igor Stravinsky
Choreography: George Balanchine (1928)
Libretto: Igor Stravinsky
Staging: Francia Russell
Original lighting design: Ronald Bates
Lighting: Vladimir Lukasevich

World premiere: 12 June 1928, Les Ballets Russes de Serge de Diaghilev, Thйвtre Sarah Bernhart, Paris
Premiere of last revived version at the Mariinsky Theatre: 30 April 1998

Running time: 33 minutes

Additional information about ballet "Apollon" (Stravinsky) at

Le Sacre du printemps

scenes from pagan Russia in two parts

Musiс: Igor Stravinsky (1913)
Choreography after Vaslav Nijinsky (1913)
Scene plan: Igor Stravinsky and Nicholas Roerich
Musical Director: Valery Gergiev
Reconstructed and staged: Millicent Hodson
(Reconstructed choreography © 1987 Millicent Hodson)
Decor and costumes after Nicholas Roerich (1913)
Reconstructed and supervised: Kenneth Archer
(Reconstructed costume and decor designs © 1987 Kenneth Archer)
Lighting: Vladimir Lukin

World premiere: 29 May 1913, Ballets Russes de Diaghilev, Theatre des Champs-elysees, Paris
Premiere at the Mariinsky Theatre: 9 June 2003

Running time: 40 minutes

Schedule for Ballets on the music by Igor Stravinsky: Rubies. Apollo. Le Sacre du printemps. 2022

21/07/18 "Apollo" final: Maria Khoreva, Anastasia Nuikina, Daria Ionova and Xander Parish
About This Video
21/07/18 "Apollo" final
Maria Khoreva, Anastasia Nuikina, Daria Ionova and Xander Parish

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